After writing their first blog post many people ask how they can get more traffic to their blogs or websites. The answer is easy and is simple if practically tried. However, people in this world do not really know what online traffic really is?
Therefore, I will first tell all my readers about online traffic.
1. What is online traffic?
In real world, we mean by traffic, the cars or motorcycles running on the roads of our city. When we go to airports, the air traffic controller is there to control the traffic in the air. That is, the air planes, helicopters, gliders, air balloons and sometimes fighter jets.
There are many games available online that also teach us how to control air traffic.
However, when we talk about online traffic we mean the users who are surfing the internet. The people from any age group who are using search engines and visiting different websites.
These people might be visiting because of interest or they want some of their problems to be solved.
This online traffic comes from different mediums to our websites.
- Search engines
- Social media websites
- Online marketing (email marketing)
- Directories available on internet
- Back linking from one website to another
- By direct marketing or word of mouth
2. Using right keywords for your website:
When we write content and publish it somewhere on internet. Search engine bots crawl our content and categorize it based on keywords. These keywords range differently for different searches and rank the website accordingly.
To get you content to rank in the right category, it is important that you use the right kind of keywords. For example, if your blog is related to journalism, you can use keywords like ‘online journalism programs’ or online mass communication classes’ in your blog posts.
These keywords will enable search engines to list your blog or website in the right category area.
3. Word of mouth to make people know:
Until you start telling people, online traffic will hardly hit your website. To get the most out of the online traffic, you need to tell the people in their own language. As, if you see a computer geek who is looking for some potential answers, you have to tell him that you technology blog has all the answers he seeks. However, do check that you do not lie.
Using word of mouth is a marketing tactic that will never fail, if marketing sales man are motivating and true to their words.
4. Use your social friends:
What are your social friends for if they can’t drive more traffic to your website? Social Media is a place that has made many companies prominent. The only thing those companies used was a brilliant SMO (Social Media Optimization) plan and a dedicated social media optimizer.
Social media if used in the right way can increase a lot of visiting of your blog.
A good idea is to post a link of every topic you blog about on different pages, communities and forums in social media websites.
Those people who will be interested will directly visit your blog and if no one visits, you will still get a back link to your website.
5. Back links are still the best option present – use them
Back linking is a method in which you leave a link of your website or blog on another website. The comment is left either with a comment or under an article that you post for your website. Like, publishing your article on ezine articles website.
The website worth of website is checked by many factors. Our of these factors, one such factor is the use of back linking parameter. The back link parameter allows the search engines to check the worth of a website based on the number of back links coming from other websites.
And when a website has higher number of back links, its web worth increases rapidly.
In addition, the more worth a website has the more visitors it will get.
6. Register your website on submission directories
On internet, there are many websites available where a user can submit his website. The idea is, when a website is submitted to the directory search engine bots start to index it in their search results.
Registering your blog on authentic and working submission directories, not only help you get visitors from those directories but allow you to add a back link to your blog.
It is seen that most of the traffic beginner bloggers receive is from registering in submission directories.
7. Keep your website up to date
Finally, with all the instructions provided above, to get visitors to your website or blog, what you really need is to update your blog on a daily basis. The more unique content your content publishes, the more web traffic it will receive. And according to search engine policy guidelines, first preference is given to those websites that are updated on a regular basis.
It doesn’t matter what you upload on your blog. But whatever you publish on your blog should have proper links for the information that is taken from other websites.
Final Words:
You cannot get more traffic on your blog in a matter of days. The process takes time as it involves many variables. What the purpose of online web traffic needs is, pure hard work, interest in the topic and willingness to work on the website.