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How many SMS Messages Can you Send in a Day in Pakistan?

Telecom How many SMS Messages Can you Send in a Day in Pakistan?

Find out how many SMS messages can be sent from your mobile phone everyday in Pakistan.

Whether you have SIM card of any network, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) allows you to send not more than 3000 messages per day. This is done because people were abusing SMS messaging power and were sending way more than the limit to multiple accounts. Thus, effecting the outgoing transmission facility of the network.

How many SMS can be sent daily from Ufone, Telenor, Mobilink, Warid and Jazz?

You can send only 3000 SMS per day from your SIM card as per the regulations of PTA.

Telecom Provider Can Block Your SIM:

If you send more SMS than 3000 (the prescribed limit) the network provider can block your SIM card. This is because the PTA prohibits sending more messages than this prescribed limit.

In a case recently, Ufone blocked the Sim card of a lawyer as he had send more than 3000 messages on two different days. The SIM card was blocked without any warning.

Can you file an appeal against Blocked SIM card?

Yes. You can file a suit in the civil court against the telecom service provider. As with the case above, the lawyer filed a case that he had faced financial loss and mental agony after his SIM card was blocked abruptly by the service provider.

Court ruled in his favor and ordered Ufone to pay rupees 1 million as damages to the consumer.

So, you are eligible to file a case in the civil court if the SIM was blocked without a prior warning. But be sure that you have enough evidence to support your case.

Source Dawn Story ‘Cellular firm fined for blocking SIM,’ Nov 3, 2017.

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