Register PTCL Complaint Broadband, Landline with SMS, Online

Telecom PTCL Register PTCL Complaint Broadband, Landline with SMS, Online

Here is how you can lodge a PTCL complaint through SMS if your broadband internet or landline isn’t working. PTCL has made it quite easier for almost anyone to lodge a complaint through their smartphones. Previously, people couldn’t complain through SMS for PTCL broadband or landline problems but now they can easily lodge the complaint.

Here is how the whole process works.

Register PTCL Complaint Number

The PTCL users will need a registered number to lodge the complaint. PTCL number for dialing the complaint is:


First send an SMS with CMP YOUR NUMBER bb or LL

For example: CMP 021XXXXXXX BB (for broadband complaint on PTCL)

OR, CMP 021XXXXXXX LL (for landline complaint on PTCL)

Once you send the message, it will ask you for more information.

For complaining about broadband internet, you will have to send the message:


PTCL will send a message back, asking:

Please reply by selecting relevant digit.

1: No Connectivity

  1. Slow browsing
  2. Frequent disconnections

Now, you will have to reply with any of these numbers based on the problem you are facing.

Both are pretty easy to lodge through your mobile number and it makes the whole operation flawless. If however for some reason you are not able to get a message from the number, then send another message. And in just a few minutes, PTCL will reply you to ask more information about the complaint.

Note: You need to add ‘CMP’ before the number, otherwise PTCL will not register it as a complaint.

Complaint Registered by PTCL

Once a complaint is received by PTCL, it will send the following message to the users.

“Dear customer, your complaint has been registered. Your complaint number is XX. Thank you for visiting

If you are re-registering the same complaint, then PTCL will reply:

“Dead customer, your complaint number X-XXXXXXXXX is in progress.

See, that’s how easy it is to lodge a PTCL complaint from your smartphone even if your landline or broadband is not working. This is a pretty helpful feature because in most cases both the landline and internet don’t work. So, instead of waiting for them to turn on, you can directly complain to PTCL about the broadband internet or the landline problems.

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