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Telenor Call And SMS Number Block Code Subscription Details

Telecom Telenor Telenor Call And SMS Number Block Code Subscription Details

Telenor Call And SMS Number Block Code Subscription Details
If you are tired of attending unwanted calls each day then this is time you get rid of them once and for all. There is a simple solution by Telenor for blocking the numbers that disturb you. The service allows you to block numbers so that they can’t call or SMS you.

Why do you need Telenor Call and SMS Block Feature?

– To get rid of prying callers
– Perfect for females who want to stop messages and calls from unknown numbers
– Helps people stop unwanted calls and SMS

How to Subscribe to Telenor Call and SMS Block Service?

The process of subscribing to the Telenor Call and SMS service is quite easy. You just have to dial *420# from your Telenor mobile and wait for the confirmation SMS. The service will allow you to get rid of unwanted callers easily.

Charges for Telenor SMS and Call Block:

Telenor call block service charges Rs 20 plus tax per month.
Dial *420# and subscribe
Un-subscription: UNSUB to 420

Telenor Call and SMS Block Terms & Conditions:

– The service renewal is auromatic. So you easily get the renewal after thirty days. It will give you a notification on every 27th of the month.
– If you don’t have balance, then the service will deactivate itself. This means all those people who were blocked, they can again call you. When you have balance again, those annoying callers will get blocked again.
– Telenor maintains a list of the blocked callers in its database so that you don’t have to add the numbers again and again to block them.
– Telenor has the right to change or alter the terms and conditions of call block service whenever it wants.

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