Emirates ID in UAE Features

Emirates ID In Dubai: Learn All About it in Detail

Visa Dubai Emirates ID In Dubai: Learn All About it in Detail

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) is the regulating authority of all UAE citizens. All residents must have an identification card from this department, which they refer to as an “Emirates ID in Dubai. “

If you’re curious about how or if your current/renewing process works with applying for an extra-official document like the Emirati passport, then read on! We’ve listed documents needed when submitting requests in addition to fee information so that anyone interested can get started immediately.

What Is Emirates ID? Why Is It So Important?

As stated earlier, The Emirates ID in Dubai is an identification card issued by the Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship. It acts as a portable personal database for all Emirati citizens that carry it at any given time with them everywhere they go throughout their life in this beautiful country!

Each individual holding one can look forward to having 15 digits on their specific numbers, which act like passwords too- making sure only you get access when needed most (or even before).

We all know that a passport is the ultimate form of identification, but what do you need when traveling abroad or just moving around town? The answer: an Emirates ID.

This card will give you access to many services such as applying for new phone and internet connections; opening bank accounts (both local ones like your retirement account at Citibank®, as well those overseas); paying traffic fines with ease.

What are Defining Features Of Emirates ID?

The new Emirates ID card is coming soon

  1. with an enhanced level of protection for sensitive data.
  2. The ICA has started revamping the Emirati passports and identification cards with polycarbonate material to make them more durable
  3. You’ll be able to authenticate each time through laser printing—allowing even less interference when it matters most (date-of-birth).
  4. Has an Electronic chip that contains personal data of the holder
  5. Database identification number that contains the data of the holder.

This means that your service life on this document could be around ten years or longer.

Validity of Emirates ID

Emirates ID is a great way to solve the problem of identity theft. The validity of an Emirates resident’s identification card depends on their residence visa status in UAE. Still, it can be as short as five years or up to 10 depending on nationality, with GCC visas lasting for five itself too.

How to Apply for Emirates ID

Expats looking to apply for the Emirates ID should visit an approved typing center to do so. For more information on how this process works, you can go online with your form submission and receive a text message from ICA telling you the nearest EIDA office location!

Expats who send their family back home need only apply for an Emirates ID through the ICA website or Smart App.

Documentation Requirements

To apply for a UAE ID, you’ll need the following:

  1. Original passport or residency permit
  2. For newborns under 15 years old and non-residents applying from abroad with only one parent who also has an Emirates residence document issued by Government authorities in their country of origin as proof that both parents share ownership over them.

Then this must be presented alongside other documentation listed below, including birth certificate/father’s valid identification proving legal guardianship approval.

Fee of Emirates ID

Expats living and working in the UAE will need to apply for their Emirates ID card. When using, an application fee varies depending on how long you plan on keeping your card active (1 year=$100). There also exists service fees if typing offices or apps are used during this process as well. 


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