Block SIM Cards Registered on Your Iqama ID – Step by Step

Telecom STC Block SIM Cards Registered on Your Iqama ID – Step by Step

Here is how to block SIM Cards registered with your Iqama ID in a step by step process.

To cancel or disable a sim card in Saudi Arabia, you must follow a new method. I’m referring to an illegal cellphone number that has been registered without your permission. You may also ban or cancel your own SIM card online by completing a short CITC form.

Block SIM on your Iqama ID Using CITC Form

You can simply see how many sim cards are registered under your Iqama ID in Saudi Arabia. Then you may choose whether to block or cancel any of them or to continue using them as normal. There is, however, a process to ban your sim on the CITC official web portal. CITC is an acronym that stands for “Communications and Information Technology Commission.” Remember that to file a complaint, you must first register with CITC. Anyway, here’s how it’s done:

1. Go to the official CITC complaint service web page.
2. Then, under Submit Request, check the box next to “Number or Service added without your request.”
3. Choose a service provider, such as Zain, STC, Mobily, Friendi, Jawwy, and so on.
4. Finally, click the Submit button.
5. Enter your information, such as your Iqama ID, its expiration date, phone number, and so on.
6. Select a network provider, package type, and so forth.
7. When you’re finished, click the Send to Service Provider button.

Track SIM Cancellation Request Easily

That’s all; you’ll now receive an official SMS alert with a complaint reference number, allowing you to track the progress of your blocking or sim cancellation request. If you are unfamiliar with the procedure, please follow the steps below:

After submitting a request to ban or cancel a SIM card in KSA and receiving a reference number. Then it’s simple to keep track of its progress. Here’s how to go about it:

1. Navigate to the CITC Track Complaint page on the internet.
2. After that, enter your reference number.
3. Enter your Iqama ID number now.
4. Finally, click the Continue button.

You will now see if your request was granted or refused by the service provider or CITC review. So there you have it, people. This is how you can submit a request to cancel or ban your sim card on the official CITC online web page and monitor the request status online.

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